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Lyrics - Give Her My Love .jpg
Give Her My Love Sheet Music for Piano .jpg

Lyrics & Sheet Music


Miist's songs are written to tell meaningful stories. She would like for you to experience the words as well as the music. Piano sheet music is also provided for many of her 40 songs.

For licensing please reach out on the Contact page.

Give Her My Love

A song of heartbreak, unrequited love, letting go and empowerment. “If the person you love falls in love with someone else, how do you let go?” - Miist I was attending University and it was a cold winter day so I bundled up before walking over to my boyfriend's apartment. I could see his window from the street and I remember looking up at it while I called him and asked to be let in. I could see a video game's images reflecting in the glass as he told me that he was too busy to see me. It broke my heart. 10 years later I ran across his profile on social media. There was a beautiful picture of him with his wife and new son. In this song it means to give his wife the love that once belonged to me. English & Chinese versions.


A beautiful love letter of appreciation to mothers for the sacrifices they make.   “You gave everything you had so we could have a home. Thank you.” - Miist   In the Barbie movie the creator of Barbie, Ruth, is quoted as saying “We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back to see how far they've come.” Although I wrote this song well before the movie it resonates with the same gift. "She" is for all mothers. It is in its simplest form, a ‘thank you’. I wanted to say ‘we see you and notice you and want to imitate the love you have shown’. At the end of the music video you will see a little girl spinning in a mirror as she turns into a woman. That scene represents myself as I transformed from a daughter into the mother I want to be.  English & Chinese versions.

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